Checking your Zend Framework route order

The order that you create your routes in Zend Framework is important, with the last route defined in your code being matched first. This allows you to set up custom routes and if these aren’t matched Zend Framework helpfully falls back to the default route which is set up first. If you have a lot of routes though, set up in different places, it can get difficult to verify the order of your routes.

Just use this snippet of code in your controller to return a list of route names set up in your ZF application in the order they are matched via the routing system (i.e. the route at number 1 is matched first, then route 2, etc).

// Output list of routes, in the order they are matched
echo '<ol>';
$routes = array_reverse($this->getFrontController()->getRouter()->getRoutes());
foreach ($routes as $name => $route) {
    echo "	<li>$name</li>\n";
echo '</ol>';

Find out more about the ZF Router at the ZF manual.